300 Hour Liquid Flow Yoga Advanced Teacher TrainingArt of Assisting in yogaBusiness of YogaModern VinyasaVinyasa Krama SequencingYoga PhilosophyZenThai Shiatsu

300 Hour Liquid Flow Yoga Advanced Teacher Training By Simon Park & Klara Puski – March 22 – april 16


The art and practice of Yoga is the study of the body, mind and everlasting soul.. it is timeless and eternal. There are certain truths that are experienced in the fleeting, yet perfect moments of union between breath, body, heart, mind and soul. This pathway requires an unfailing dedication to Abhyasa, or conscious practice and the steady awareness of Vairagya, detachment to the shadows of existence. The concept of Abhyasa not only applies to the practice of Asana, but all aspects of life in which conscious action and positive intention will bring us and those that we touch, into the light. 

At the heart of the Liquid Flow Advanced Teacher’s Training is community. A very special gathering of inspiring teachers, assistants who are also amazing teachers, master musicians, chefs, karma yogis and most importantly, the students. A transformative experience of growth, learning, connection to nature, music, nourishing food and love + support for each other’s journeys. Each teacher is deeply committed to their craft evidenced by years of in-depth study with master teachers spanning generations and styles.  Through constant practice, application and teaching we aim to present this timeless information in a way that remains relevant for our modern age. This is the power of lineage; the deep connection to the source is preserved and the universal truth of the teachings flows through us into the present moment. It is the perfect path to joyfully share this journey from teacher to student. We are dedicated to teaching in the most authentic way, by learning and teaching from our practice, passing on the brilliance of our teachers and the lessons learned from the rich fabric of life.


Advanced Asana: Modern Vinyasa, Classical Roots

Liquid Flow Yoga holds the structure and discipline of Ashtanga and Iyengar Yoga, infused with the immense creativity and dance-like flow of modern Vinyasa. It is a fresh and inspired blend of classical and modern styles.

Practice dynamic asana as a movement mediation in an open system that guides the student to experience the practice as an unscripted adventure. Asanas are practiced with a keen eye to detailed physical / energetic alignment and awareness of complimentary and opposing actions. There is an artful focus on creative transitions that add elegance and uniqueness to the flow of the practice. Finally, an observation upon the subtleties of the breath upon body and mind. Principles of Vinyasa Krama are utilized to create an evolutionary practice that aims to challenge, invigorate and harmonize body, mind and soul.

Learn the process of allowing the ultimate guidance to be from within… Experience the practice becoming exquisitely complete.

Vinyasa Krama Sequencing

The art of creative Vinyasa Krama sequencing. Create intelligent, safe and creative flows that will take your students to the next level

Vinyasa Krama Sequencing

We will review, break down and discuss sequences taught by Simon, Joan and the guest teachers during the training. Included will be discussion and construction of sequences based on the principles of Vinyasa Krama (proper placement of asanas in sequential and progressive order). Also, how to theme powerfully, sequencing toward peak poses, and designing your own advanced asana flows.
Develop your ability and confidence to design and deliver creative and satisfying sequences for all levels, different types of classes and workshops.

Art of Assisting

Learn the approach towards transformational hands-on-assists with physical and energetic alignment. Assisting is a very important element of teaching; a great compliment to good verbal cues. It requires excellent vision, precision, sensitivity, multiple points of awareness and an ego-free approach.

A skillful touch has the power to transport your students to a whole new level of awareness. What could take years for a student to understand a particular action or movement, could be done with one precise, effective, supportive assist from a well-trained teacher.

Simon and Joan have trained and assisted two of the best in the business: Simon has spent years assisting for Shiva Rea, and Joan has studied and assisted extensively with Maty Ezraty – founder of YogaWorks.

Sharpen Your Teaching Skills

Practical, theoretical and philosophical aspects of becoming a better yoga teacher. Explore essential principles that will greatly inform your practice and teaching.

Practice teach with direct feedback from peers and guides (Simon and teaching staff). Understand that each teacher has their own unique voice and each student, their own individual path of practice.

ZenThai Shiatsu

Blood, Prana and nerves form the foundation of our body’s internal pathways, referred in eastern healing traditions as ‘the river of life that ensures good health and vitality’. When this is obstructed through emotional and physical trauma, postural imbalances or external invasion of pathogens, the natural healing mechanisms of our body is challenged and the ‘free flowing river’ stagnates. The result is pain, low energy and a general loss of well being.

Zenthai shiatsu addresses the needs by drawing on the Traditional Energetic based systems of Zen Shiatsu, Traditional Thai Massage and the remediation techniques of Osteopathy. By integrating the prime aspects of these modalities and through the creation of a safe, awake and caring healing environment, Zenthai has evolved to become an effective structural and energetic form of therapy.


Bring ancient and modern Yoga philosophy into practice; on the mat, in the classroom, and into life.

« A person who lives moment to moment, who goes on dying to the past, is never attached to anything. Attachment comes from the accumulated past. If you can be unattached to the past every moment, then you are always fresh, young, just born. You pulsate with life and that pulsation gives you immortality. You are immortal, only unaware of the fact. »

-Bhagavad Gita


Rediscover Vinyasa Yoga as an energetic and healing practice. Gain a better understanding of the universal physical and energetic principles from traditions such as the Ashtanga, Iyengar, and Vinyasa systems.

Ultimately, it is our aim to make the information come to life as we adapt our teaching towards the special needs of each student. Through this understanding, we have a knowledgeable platform to read the body in an energetic and wholistic way, create effective hands on assists and teach yoga in a therapeutic and transformational way.

Explore how breath, bandha, mudra and dristi are the four cornerstones of the inner practice. Also, study the effects of the Pancha Vayus, the 5 Elements, and the Chakra system on our practice.

Business of Yoga

Discussion on the journey a living the life of a Yoga teacher. Receiving proficient training, teaching group classes + privates, creating workshops, developing a brand, starting a studio, creating a unique style, and developing a teacher’s training program.


Discuss what it takes to become a traveling teacher. Developing workshops; what are the elements that make a workshop different from a regular class? We will discuss the art of presenting an themed workshop for studios and festivals that are unique and inspiring.

Marketing – The basics of marketing locally and globally. From creating a captivating website to having a recognizable and admired presence on social media. We will discuss the basics and nuances of presenting your work through photographs, video, and advertisements for your classes, workshops and trainings.

Pranayama & Meditation

Travel deeply into the subtle layers of the practice.. pranayama and meditation. Practice daily pranayama and meditation combined with the asana practice and as a stand alone practice. Within the pranayama practice, we will refine the art of inhalation, exhalation and breath retention. Specific practices such as Nadi shodhana, sama vritti, ujayii, nauli kriya, agni sara, uddiyana bandha, jiva bandha, kappalabhati, surya bhedana, and chandra bhedana. 


Within the meditation practice, learn the different seats of practice, meditation on the central channel ( shushumna nadhi ), meditation on the breath, and visualisation practices. Incorporate the practices of pranayama and meditation into your teaching. 

Injury Prevention and Therapeutic Application of Asanas

“As yoga teachers we are sought after healers and our students will come to us when they are in pain. It’s important to recognize we may have the tools to help with the pain and minimize the symptoms but we are not health care practitioners and shouldn’t diagnose. We can help our students to make appropriate adjustments to protect and/or strengthen weaker or vulnerable places in their bodies. In doing so, we become a key adjunct to support the patient’s health care provider and can play an important role in their healing.”  -Joan Hyman 

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Learn Yoga therapeutics and injury management from Joan, Susan, Simon and Gwyn. All excellent in this area, coming from different yet supportive perspectives. 

Restorative Yoga

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Learn the theory and practice of restorative yoga mainly from the Iyengar tradition, perhaps the most complete system of restorative yoga. Awaken the the parasympathetic nervous by moving slowly, longer holds, use of props to create support in poses and keen observation of breath in the relaxed state. 



Simon began his Yoga journey in 1995 with Shiva Rea in the World Arts and Cultures Department at UCLA. Soon thereafter, he became immersed in the great atmosphere of the original YogaWorks studios in Santa Monica where he completed his first teacher training with Maty Ezraty in 1998. A move home to Philadelphia led to an opportunity to study with senior Iyengar Teacher, Joan White, and the legendary yogi Dharma Mittra. After apprenticing with Shiva Rea as an assistant, Simon began leading his own workshops, teacher trainings, and retreats – eventually worldwide. In 2007, Yoga Journal acclaimed Simon as, « one of the most influential and gifted Yoga teachers of the next generation.” His free-style Vinyasa is fluid, intuitive, and encourages freedom through self expression. Simon is profoundly influenced by the teachings of Shiva Rea, Richard Freeman, Maty Ezraty, Joan White, and Dharma Mitra – his core teachers for the past 20+ years. Simon’s blend of these influences finds a beautiful alchemy in his style, Liquid Flow Yoga, a mix of classical and modern Yoga. Recently, Simon returned to his educational roots by creating a Yoga Program for Princeton University. Dubbed the « Flying Nomad, » he draws inspiration from road legends such as Jimi Hendrix who aptly stated, « the Earth is my home.”

For more information about Simon see his website


Klara is an advanced certified Jivamuki teacher based in Paris. Dancing since the age of five, she was always fascinated by the physical body & movement she completed her education at the Hungarian Dance Academy in classical ballet in Budapest and continued to work as a professional dancer. Then in early 2013 she tried Jivamukti Yoga in Munich which was a transformational discovery in which she happily remains immersed. By May 2014, she completed her teacher training in New York, with Jivamukti Yoga founders Sharon Gannon and David Life, mentored by Giselle Mari. Since returning Klara has been leading classes around different studios in Paris. She feels blessed to be able to teach and equally sees it as an opportunity to serve, share and learn. The last years she has been studying with incredible teachers like Dona Holleman, Maty Ezraty, Simon Park and Krista Cahill.
Finding an honest space through intelligent sequencing is what yoga represents for her. Creating a deeper connection with the present moment and allow ourselves to pause to reflect is what fascinates her. Feeling the moment in it’s depth to create a transformation.
« All of these practices lead us to the realization that this physical vehicle is « just that », to carry the eternal spirit , which is the eternal piece that is life itself, and we all have that, all living things have it , the question is how do we recognize that we are all the same?
How to honour myself the same way as I honour all living beings around? We all do the best we can while we are here ».

For more information about Klara see her website

Susan Michel

Susan Michel

Susan is based near Munich, where she runs a small local space for yoga classes, trainings and Rolfing. Her teaching combines her love of yoga and connection to nature with an in-depth understanding of the human body. She draws inspiration from having trained extensively in Vinyasa Flow (S. Park), Ashtanga Yoga (R. Freemann) and Rolfing/ Structural Integration.

Her current yoga practice consists of balancing a busy family life, teaching, giving Rolfing sessions, studying for a degree in alternative medicine and finding time for her personal practice.

For more information about Susan see her website


March 22 – april 16

Du lundi au samedi 8:00 – 18:00

Dimanche 8:30 – 18:00

Il y aura un jour de repos au milieu de la formation


  • TARIF EARLY BIRD : 3200€ jusqu’au 15 Février – pour bénéficier de ce tarif il faut payer l’intégralité des 3200€ jusqu’au 15 février.
  • TARIF NORMAL : 3500€ après le 15 février.
  • Minimum 20 Students – Max 35 Students


  • Pour confirmer votre inscription, il faudra réaliser un acompte de 600€ dans le cas où vous choisissiez le tarit normal de 3500€ ou payer l’intégralité dans le cas où vous choisissiez le tarif Early Bird.
  • L’intégralité du solde du solde sera à payer en début de formation si vous avez choisi le tarif normal.
  • Les arrhes de 600€ du tarif normal ne sont pas remboursables.
  • Dans le cas d’une annulation pour cause de force majeur, les arrhes vous seront remboursés que sur justificatif. Pour la tarif Early Bird il en sera de même. Si vous n’avez pas de justificatif de force majeure nous garderons un montant de 600€ en dédommagement.


Langue formation : principalement en Englais

Diplôme : certifié Yoga Alliance

Financement : en cours de référencement organisme de formation et datadocké par l’état Français pour éventuellement obtenir un financement auprès le FIF PL.

Présence : L’assiduité est obligatoire pour obtenir le doplôme.

Pour toutes les infos complémentaires nous contacter sur hello@mayashala.com ou au 06 45 29 88 07

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